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Pytorch and Reinforcement Learning

This is a learning note for TorchRL. Relative paths will not be modified. Titles will also be kept as much as possible.

Key Components#

TorchRL (PyTorch Reinforcement Learning Library) has six key components that play important roles in building and training reinforcement learning models. Here is a brief explanation of each component:

  1. environments: Environments refer to models that simulate the interaction between agents and the external world. In reinforcement learning, the environment defines the states that the agent can observe, the actions it can take, and the rewards it receives after taking actions. For example, classic reinforcement learning environments include CartPole and Atari games in OpenAI Gym. In TorchRL, the environment module provides an interface for interacting with the environment and typically includes information about the state space and action space of the environment.

  2. transforms: Transforms are operations that preprocess or transform the environment state. For example, raw pixel images can be transformed into feature vectors for processing by neural network models. Transforms can help extract important features from the environment for more effective learning. In TorchRL, the transform module provides a series of predefined transformation functions for processing the environment state.

  3. models: Models include policy models and value function models, which are used to represent the policy and value function of the agent. The policy model defines the probability distribution of actions chosen by the agent given a state, and the value function model is used to estimate the value of a state or a state-action pair. In TorchRL, the model module provides a series of predefined neural network models for building policy models and value function models.

  4. loss modules: Loss modules define the loss functions used in reinforcement learning algorithms to measure the difference between predicted values and true values, and update model parameters through gradient descent. In TorchRL, the loss module provides a series of predefined loss functions, including policy loss and value function loss.

  5. data collectors: Data collectors are responsible for collecting data from the environment and storing it in an experience replay buffer for training the model. Data collectors often implement different sampling strategies, such as random sampling and prioritized sampling, to improve the utilization efficiency of data. In TorchRL, the data collector module provides a series of predefined data collectors for collecting data from the environment during the training process.

  6. replay buffers: Replay buffers are used to store data collected from the environment for training the model. Replay buffers typically have a fixed size and use a circular queue to manage the data. In TorchRL, the replay buffer module provides a series of predefined replay buffers, such as simple array buffers and prioritized experience replay buffers.


Training Process of Reinforcement Learning#

The key steps in the training process include:

  1. Define hyperparameters: First, we need to define a set of hyperparameters that will be used during the training process. Hyperparameters include learning rate, batch size, optimizer type, etc.

  2. Create environment: Next, we will create an environment or simulator to simulate the interaction between the agent and the external world. We can use wrappers and transformers provided by TorchRL to create an environment that interacts with our model.

  3. Design policy network and value function models: Policy network and value function models are two key components in reinforcement learning. The policy network is used to determine the probability distribution of actions chosen by the agent given a state, while the value function model is used to estimate the value of a state or a state-action pair. These models will be part of the loss function, so they need to be configured before training.

  4. Create experience replay buffer and data loader: The experience replay buffer is used to store the experience data collected by the agent during the interaction with the environment, while the data loader is used to load data from the experience replay buffer and prepare it for training.

  5. Run the training loop and analyze the results: Finally, we will run the training loop and analyze the results during the training process. We can observe how the performance of the model changes with the number of training iterations and how the model performs in solving the task.

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